Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tailgaters Galloway NJ 2lb Burger The Pittsburger

The burger was super good. The problem is Tailgaters isnt really a family friendly place to eat. If it was 9 pm it would have been riddin with college frat lords. Good thing we went at 12:00 pm. The other problem was the chef sucked. It took 45 mins to even start our order. It wasnt even packed. The waitresses avoided us and never let us know what the fuck was going on. So my brother got up and asked them how long it would be, and she said yours is the next one hes going to start. So it took them 1hr to get our to us. We got it to go and ate it at home, so we didnt get the shirt or the picture on the wall.. oh well..
burger was really good though... really good.

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