Monday, May 25, 2009

Numbskulls 1998

Holy wow. I made this video of the second numbskulls show. I filmed it because during that time I was a "guest" bass player in the band. But that only lasted for 3 shows. After the King Pin show I became the full time bass player. Well I had a friend from high school who went to college at Niagara University ( I think), she wrote me and said she missed home. So I wanted to be a nice dude and sent this VHS cause she was at this show and thought she would enjoy. Well she never sent it back. Last night brett texted me saying " You filmed the kent show, but who released it? Carol?" I said " How do you have it?" he said " Mckeen (bass player from Skumbagz) gave it to Joe (guitar player from Skumbagz)". Well Brett said hes making me a copy.. so Im kinda excited to watch this old history VHS. I wanted to start a series of local show videos, and I wanted the series to be called "The Local Show!" well sad to say this is the only one I made. I found all the VHS cases in Blockbusters dumpster.Thats the history of this VHSsomethings wrong


HeatherFe said...

Wow 1998? I was only on the tape for a second and three words came to mind; fat. mad. goth. Well I'm only slightly less of all three of those things now. Time really hasn't changed things all that much. The clothes may have slightly but everyone seems the same. Seriously why not have a reunion show? Then we can take a nap after wards and talk about our cholesterol.

Jay said...

haha. I cant wait to see it. kinda souped